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Lizenz-Mischmasch: OER in Online-Kursen remixen Lorenz, Anja: Lizenz-Mischmasch: OER in Online-Kursen remixen. OERcamp-Webtalk, 27.05.2020. (Typ: Vortrag | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: creative commons, freelancing, licences, massive open online course (MOOC), OERCamp, OERCamp Webtalk, open educational ressources (OER))


CC-Lizenzen: The good,  the maybe not so good, and the c&p licences Lorenz, Anja: CC-Lizenzen: The good, the maybe not so good, and the c&p licences. Kurzvortrag, Lübeck, 22.05.2019. (Typ: Vortrag | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: copyright, creative commons, leisure, lightning talk, open education, open educational ressources (OER))

Awards und Nominierungen

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Nominierung: H5P Annual Award 2024